Frequently Asked Questions about Qi Gong

So qi gong can benefit people, so would it be something for you? Let me ask you  soem questions:

  • Do you want to know how to energize yourself?
  • Do you want to be able to handle stressful situations?
  • Do you want a balanced and relaxed body and mind?
  • Do you want to grow old without stiffness and joint problems?

Even if you answered just one question with yes, you owe it to yourself to find out what Qi Gong would do for you.

Contact me and we will find a way! 

Qi means = life force energy and Gong =’to work skillfully with’.

By playing Qi Gong, we purge the qi we don’t want and bring energy to the right places and balance our whole system.

You could describe qi gong as an ancient form of moving meditation. If you know Tai Chi, yoga, or meditation, you will certainly recognize elements. Qi Gong is part of the Chinese Medicine practice, so it is health orientated, whereas the slow ‘dances’ of its sibling Tai Chi is, by origin, more martial orientated.

Tai Chi is great, but learning all the choreography may distract from feeling the beneficial side of the movements. Qi gong is easier, so the point where you start to benefit is easy to reach, and it is not difficult to remember what to do.

Compared to yoga, Qi Gong is more flow orientated, whereas yoga is more posture and stretching-orientated. Stretching and posture are also important in Qi Gong, but it is part of a whole set of exercises, each with merit. Also, there is a focus on why you are doing the movement in that specific way so you understand why you do it in a certain way and what it is you want to balance or help.

And meditation? Well, I had been meditating for a couple of years before I started Qi Gong and recognized the effect of meditation in doing the flows. Still, I also discovered a difference. For me, meditation is a mind thing. It feels great, don’t get me wrong, but I am doing it while sitting down, not doing something else. While playing qi gong, my mind, emotions, and body are having a good time, which has more effect, and it is easier to take that state of doing and being into moments where I am working or doing other things. It becomes easier to get into flowstate. By the way, all kinds of meditation are also a part of Qi Gong.

Playing Qi Gong makes me feel and perform better. It gives me more energy, and it fixes issues I might have.


Over the years, I did a lot of searching and found many helping things, but somehow I never got a clue how to reach where I wanted to be: to act and feel from my core without limitations.


When I started practicing Qi Gong, many pieces of the puzzle suddenly started falling into the right place, finally setting me on the path where  I wanted to be.

There are many different kinds of qi gong, and you can organize them in different ways. I will do it with the emphasis on why you are doing specific forms – 

  • breathing
  • energizing
  • mindfullness
  • activating/warmup
  • stretching
  • purging/clearing emotional ballast
  • oiling the joints
  • balancing (not falling)
  • balancing your whole body-emotion-mind system
  • ‘getting an iron shirt’
  • stay healthy
  • fix specific issues like
    • lower back or other joint issues
    • mind issues like depression, anxiety and stress
    • headaches
    • …etc

And this list was just my first brainstorm…  there is more. If you wonder if your issue could benefit from doing a specific or general form of Qi gong, just ask! 


Tra teaches Holding Teacups in Kasba Anguhr
Swimming dragon in the desert in Morroco